Operational Features



Interlocking slides used in filling cabinets ensure the user can only open one drawer at a time eliminating tilt.

Cam Drawer Adjust

It allows minuscule adjustment to the drawer front for easy alignment. This is a standard feature on 2132 and 3832 series slides.

Dampened soft-close (EC)

Slows the closing action for a controlled and smooth operation removing banging.

3832 Application4

Electronic locking

An electronic lock is integrated into the sliding hardware, securing drawers, doors, and other openings.

Flat mounting

Horizontal mounting of a slide. See  Selecting an Accuride Drawer Slide for a list of slides that can be flat mounted. 

Front Disconnect

Allows the user to disconnect the slide via a lever or push latch at the front of the slides.

Hold-in and hold out (DO)

Keeps the slide open or closed until extra force is applied.

Lever Disconnect


Disconnect is achieved by releasing and internal lever and by pulling the drawer firmly through the resistance of the ball retainer.

Self-close (SC) 


Slides include a spring attachment designed to close the drawers gently eliminating slamming and bounce back.

Lock-in and lock out

Ultra smooth movement forward and backward within the runner's own length.

Push latch disconnect

A latch is pressed which releases the drawer and can be disconnected by pulling the drawer firmly through the resistance of the ball retainer.

Shock blocks

These hardened steel pins provide an interference fit between the slide members which help minimise the amplification of vibration and reduce the damaging effects of shock in the closed position. This is a standard feature on the 0522 series runner.

pocket door slide

A sliding door that slides along its length and disappears into a pocket between the side of the cabinet and the cabinet space.

Touch release (TR)

Runners open with gentle pressure to the front of the drawer removing any need for handles or knobs.

Suffixes for standard features:

  • SC – self-close
  • DO – hold-out
  • HDSC – heavy duty self-close
  • TR – touch release
  • HDTR – heavy duty touch release
  • EC – easy close
  • RC – recirculating balls

Accuride mounting options


Slides and bracket kits designed for use in electronic rack systems.


A cut-out in the side of the slides is used as a hook to fit into a corresponding slot in the chassis or drawer.


Optional brackets are available to simplify the mounting of slides which can be mounted vertically or horizontally depending on the application.


Struggling to select the right drawer slide? Read our information page for help and guidance.